Data Gathering and Documentation

Gather data on the evolution and history of the cemetery to ascertain its original founding and purpose, responsible parties, and all maps, plans, surveys, aerials, graphic and photographic images, and financial documents of the property over time. Burial records and registers of the cemetery should be located, when available for future reference.

The information should identify:

  • background motivations of the founders (whether individuals, organization, corporation, church or ethnic group) of the cemetery,
  • period in which the cemetery was active
  • management organization for the cemetery
  • aerial maps, cemetery plans, or arrangement of graves
  • architect or landscape architect associated with the initial design, if there was one
  • records of lot ownership, interment and location records
  • biographical survey of the people buried in the cemetery
  • identity of stone carvers or marker fabricators periods of expansion

The resulting compilation of material in written and graphic format should help identify the historic parameters of the origins of the cemetery, its significance, types of monument, citizens interred, losses and additions over time as seen or described through written documentation.


Historic photograph of the Woodlands Cemetery
Samples of Documentation from Woodlands Cemetery

  Register of deeds, Woodlands Cemetery

Indenture, Woodlands Cemetery

  Register of Daybooks, Woodlands Cemetery

Interment Card, Woodlands Cemetery

Examples of documents


Drexel historic photograph Correspondence, Woodlands Cemetery

Deed, Woodlands Cemetery Drexel mausolem rendering, Woodlands Cemetery

Examples of Documents