Other Resources

Historic Maps

Websites exist which have posted historic USGS topographic maps that can be found by town name as well as by quadrant.

The Pennsylvania State Archives also keeps historic survey records and warrant registers. These records can be extremely helpful, and can be found at the Land Records section of the State Archives.


Southwest portion of Barnesboro Quadrangle showing Lick Creek, Diamondsville, and Mitchell's Mills
Portion of the Southwest section of the
Barnesboro Quadrangle in PA.
Surveyed in 1902 and printed in 1904.


Aerial Photographs

Browse historic aerials through the Penn Pilot Project, which is provided by Pennsylvania State University, DCNR, and the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. The photos date from 1937-1970, and are available for download as needed. For more information, please read the instructions at the Penn Pilot website.


Aerial view of agricultural lands in Hellam Tonwship, York County in 1938
Aerial of Hellam Township, York County in 1938