Industrial Historic Landscapes

Historic institutional landscapes include educational school campuses, as well as the grounds of hospitals, orphanages, prisons, religious properties and other government or cultural institutions. Numerous universities, public and private secondary schools, convent/church/school complexes, prisons and state mental or tuberculosis hospitals have been determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places in Pennsylvania. These properties often include distinctive landscapes of associated agricultural land, carefully designed public parks or academic quads, recreational facilities such as stadiums, ball parks and play grounds. Statuary and designed allees of trees and walkways are an important part of the institutional setting. The park surrounding the Capitol building in Harrisburg is a created natural landscape with a distinctive plan made up of a wide variety of species of trees (carefully labeled), commemorative statuary, an intersecting pattern of walkways and steps, a fountain and allees of trees. The Capitol Park is the work of several well known landscape architects working at the turn of the 20th Century.


Dickinson College, Carlisle, Cumberland Co.
Dickinson College, Carlisle, Cumberland Co.