Urban Historic Landscapes

Urban landscapes may include both commercial, residential and industrial resources, but are always densely developed. Many urban historic districts encompass all those themes. A historic district may include the city's commercial core or Main Street, its historic residential neighborhoods, and perhaps industrial facilities that provided the impetus for the growth of the community.

An urban landscape has certain common features that help define it. Setback from the street, height and width of buildings, public spaces, landscape features and the layout of street gridwork are all important elements in an urban landscape. Character defining features like fenestraton patterns, building materials, and architectural styles help create a sense of place and define a historic district. When too many changes to the urban landscape have occurred, such as inappropriate alterations to historic buildings, demolitions creating gaps in the streetscape, or the construction of infill buildings that are of disproportionate size or scale, the pattern of the urban settlement has changed and an intact historic urban landscape is no longer present.


Photo Carlisle Streetscape, Cumberland Co.
Carlisle Streetscape, Cumberland Co.

Photo Carlisle Commercial District Streetscape, Cumberland Co.
Carlisle Commercial District Streetscape,
Cumberland Co.

Photo Carlisle Streetscape, Cumberland Co.
Carlisle Streetscape, Cumberland Co.

Photo of Allentown Streetscape, Lehigh Co.
Allentown Streetscape, Lehigh Co.

photo urban landscape, Broad St. Philadelphia
Broad Street, Philadelphia