Vandalism and Deterrents

Vandalism tends to be more of a problem in older inactive sites without adequate security measures and where visibility is difficult. Often an entire neighborhood has deteriorated, causing an historic cemetery to become vulnerable. The impacts of vandalism include toppled markers, vandalized tombs with doors removed, graffiti, and broken glass. Repairs and closures should be made quickly to discourage repeat occurrences. Report occurrences and seek help from the local police force to add additional patrols. In some instances, architectural salvagers steal ornamental features such as iron fencing, brick paving, and stained glass in mausoleums. Some sites have problems with indigent inhabitants and illicit activities.

Deter vandalism by building community respect for a historic cemetery through public programs, tours, lectures, and volunteers who help keep the landscape under control or work with the conservation of monuments. Engage school teachers to use the site with students for history research, genealogy, ecology, and nature studies. Many cemeteries become wonderful natural habitats for birds and small animals.

Toppled markers
Toppled markers

Student history research
Student history research